We understand that original authors (individuals and businesses) have the right to refuse services at any time, and we are also obligated to protect their works in response to such requests. We will cooperate with the protection of copyrighted works in accordance with the operating policy and will do our best.
Subject to Copyright Protection
We protect copyrighted works for the following reasons. In the case of the following reasons, the administrator may block the work after monitoring without the request of the original author.
Request for direct protection of the original author
If it is currently being sold/operated as a commercial service by the original author or is being distributed privately
If the work is currently being distributed on the original author's personal page, or redistribution is prohibited
It violates the laws of Korea or contains sexually explicit or extreme content.
Malware detected or redirected to a malware site
Contains content that is concerned about exposure of personal information or privacy
ROM file is included in the emulator implemented in Flash
Distributed from harmful sites or sites blocked in Korea
A sound source, video, or image for which copyright protection has been requested is included in the flash
Protective Action Procedure
When it is decided whether to protect copyrighted works, we take the following actions.
Unable to launch protected content on archive page and block download
Display copyright protection instructions on archive page
Restriction on uploading of similar content through monitoring
(Exception) Users can continue to browse protected content.
(Exception) Posts or comments made by users related to protected content are maintained.
How to Request Copyright Protection
The procedure below is necessary for verifying the original author, preventing malicious requests, and notifying users of information. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the necessary materials attached according to the following, and we will process it after checking.
First, you need simple proof that you are the original author. You can check it quickly if you send it to the original author's personal or company's email address. If it is difficult, please send certain materials such as images or files that can confirm that the original author is you. It may take 1-3 business days for your protection to be fully processed.
Please include at least one title or URL for the content currently uploaded to our site. To protect all content of the original author, please leave the name of the original author.
If you have specific reasons for copyright protection, it helps to inform users. Please let us know for what reason you are requesting in the 'What is copyrighted' section at the top (or for any other reason).